
I am a graphic designer with a focus on digital design, social media, and publications. I have additional experience ranging from brand identity to learning experience design.

I’m drawn to design because of all of the opportunities there are for creative problem solving and making an impact on people. My motivation to design is to help create a world that is more inclusive and accessible.

Some of my interests include karaoke, museum-going, walks in nature, and listening to music!

︎new york city
︎ l.tiruneh(@)outlook.com
︎ linkedin.com/in/lydia-tiruneh/


frs clipper
FRS Clipper logo in red and white. Simplified dolphin and wave above FRS Clipper text. Tagline under text saying 'Get On Board. Get Away.'.
modern den
FRS Clipper logo in red and white. Simplified dolphin and wave above FRS Clipper text. Tagline under text saying 'Get On Board. Get Away.'.
FRS Clipper logo in red and white. Simplified dolphin and wave above FRS Clipper text. Tagline under text saying 'Get On Board. Get Away.'.
seattle juice co
FRS Clipper logo in red and white. Simplified dolphin and wave above FRS Clipper text. Tagline under text saying 'Get On Board. Get Away.'.
structure salon